class language and representation



 Language and close-textual analysis

1) Write an NCIS analysis for the episode - using notes from the screening in class. Make specific, detailed reference to moments in the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots and movement, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)

Co-owner of a Lonely Heart

Narrative: recaps previous episode, corakinus tries to regain control of his heart. April is seen carrying a sword. 


April: April is presented as powerful and emotional teenager. She shares her heart with Corakinus and is in a relationship with Ram.

Corakinus: Corakinus is presented as authoritative, merciless and dangerous. He is the king of his species, the Shadow Kin and he shares a heart with April

Iconography: sword, torches in the cave, blue flames, smoke, CGI characters of aliens, bright orange eyes 

Setting: Shadow realm, april's bedroom 

2) How does Todorov's theory of equilibrium apply to Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Try and use the expanded version of Todorov's theory: Equilibrium - Disruption - Recognition - Reparation - New equilibrium.

Equilibrium- April's heart in corakinus' body

Disruption- April acting strange in class and her revealing her powers to her father.

Recognition- April's father confronts her mother about April's powers

Reparation- April battling with corakinus to survive

New Equilibrium- April travels to shadow realm to defeat corakinus. 

3) Applying Propp's character theory, what character roles do each of the main characters in Class fit into? Alternatively, you may wish to discuss how characters do not fit Propp's character types.

Hero(ine)- Charlie, April and Ms Quill as Charlie wants to save his race from the Shadow Kin, April wants to regain control of her heart and beat corakinus and Ms Quill is helping Charlie to seek redemption. 

Princess- also April as she is considered to be the 'damsel in distress' as she needs protection from Corakinus and the Shadow Kin. 

Villain- Corakinus as he is the antagonist, he fights the seen-to-be heroes and acts selfishly and aggressively. 

Donor- Ms Quill as she is encouraged by the Doctor to support the group in their quest.

False hero- Ram, not true hero but does help narrative progress.

Dispatcher- Huw/April's dad as he informs the mum and April's powers.

Helper- Tanya as she communicates to the group and informs them of the development in the quest.  

4) What enigma and action codes (Barthes) can you find in Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Make specific, detailed reference to the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)

A few action codes seen throughout the episode include when April's Dad shows up at her car since it relates to a future conflict between the two characters. Additionally, the Blossoms multiplying and eating the flesh of the aliens suggest that they will become a threat later on. Finally, April cutting the tear open at the end of the episode imply a later confrontation in the show. A few enigma codes that can be seen in the episode include: What are the new Headteachers true intentions? Is Ms Quill going to be free and at what price? What will the Blossoms do? Will April win her battle?

5) What examples of binary opposition (Levi-Strauss) can you find in Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? How do these create narrative or drama for the audience?

One binary opposition which is  prominent in the episode would be Darkness against Light, which is portrayed through the contrast between the Shadow Realm and Planet Earth since the Shadow Realm is full of shadow and lacks light whereas Planet Earth is bright and full of colour. Another binary contrast in the show is Young against Old, most clearly shown through Ms Quill against Charlie. This opposition between Quill and Charlie also relates to another opposition, Master and Slave. A final opposition found in the show is Weak against Strong, April against Corakinus or Adults and Teenagers.


1) How is gender represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Are gender stereotypes reinforced or subverted?

Many gender stereotypes are represented in Class, for example, females: Women are presented as strong and powerful in this show through empowered characters like April and Quill, which subverts the stereotype that women are weak. However, it could be argued that the show is also reinforcing this stereotype, as April's mother needs to be healed so she's seemingly under men also April's mother is still bothered by her ex-husband. The stereotype that men are always strong is both reinforced and subverted in the show. Ram is shown to be protective of April and a sporty character, which reinforces the stereotype, however, he is also seemingly defenceless against April and merely follows behind her into the tear.

2) How is age (e.g. teenagers; older people like teachers or parents) represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Does the show reinforce or challenge stereotypes about young people?

The show subverts many stereotypes against youth, for example, that teenagers are weak. However, this is overseen through the powerful teenage characters like April, having to protect their older companions. The show also reinforces stereotypes against teenagers, one example is that Teenagers are impulsive, which is clearly demonstrated by Ram sudden decision to chase after April.

3) How is race and ethnicity represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Are  stereotypes reinforced or subverted?

Racial stereotypes are subverted in this show, with lead roles like Ram and Tanya as crucial characters in the show. It subverts the ideas that certain races, like Indians and BAME, are all uptight and untrusting since Ram/ Tanya are very open and trusting characters. Also, the show includes characters from East Europe who are openly gay, which both reinforces and subverts stereotypes that Eastern Europeans are all homophobic, as a lead role is gay, yet he is disowned by his family.

4) How is sexuality represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? How does this reflect the BBC's remit to represent modern Britain?

The show includes an openly gay relationship, which is not made to be different from any other relationship, massively subverting centuries of media which did not represent this group of people. This reflects BBC's remit since it shows how all relationships are accepted and can be shown even on television, like Charlie and Matteusz' relationship

5) How is disability represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Why are disabled people generally under-represented in the media and how does Class try to address this?

Disability in Class is represented as something that is entirely normal, yet it also destroys this, since April heals her mother's paralysis, undermining how her disability should be permanent but unimportant. Disability is often under-represented as many people who are disabled are seen as pitiful and weaker, therefore unnecessary to be seen on screen. the show tries to subvert this by including a strong-willed disabled character, but ultimately fail in this, since her disability is written off as something that must be healed for her to be "normal".


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