
1) List the people, places and groups represented in the poster. E.g. men, women, teenagers etc.
The groups represented in this film are a group of teenagers, also one of the teens is holding a bat which can suggest he is into violence. There are 3 girls and 4 boys so the genders are balanced and it shoes equality also there are a few different races in the movie.This is very stereotypical as in the image you can see that the characters are black, also in this image it seems like its a council estate in the back round which suggests that they are poor.
2) Are there any stereotypes you can identify?
yes, they are portrayed as typical teenagers, also linking to gangs because of the baseball bat that links to violence. Furthermore its very stereotypical  because it shows a group of boys with girls at a council estate which you would expect. 

3) What is the preferred reading of this poster?
the producers want the audience to think its about a group of friends who could be growing up into adults and possibly finding problems along the way. it can portray the difficulties teenagers face while growing up in our society. it also suggests that the producers want us to think that there's a lot of problems that teenagers face during their gurney to adulthood. 

4) What is the oppositional reading of this poster?
the audience could also think that the fact that a young, black male is holding a baseball bat could possibly be seen as racist due to typical stereotypes related to black minors linked to violence in today's society.


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