January assessment: learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW-a good effort considering you missed a whole term!
good understanding of connotation
-some concept of reception theory
-good understanding of film marketing
EBI-revise vertical integration,media codes and the csps [Daniel Blake and Doctor strange]

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the mark you achieved for each question:


Where you didn't achieve full marks, write WHY you think you missed out on the extra marks. Use the indicative content suggestions in the mark scheme to help with this.

3) Did you get any media terminology wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision:
i need to revise for vertical integration 
4) Look specifically at question 3 - did you successfully write about both the preferred and oppositional readings? Did your answers match any in the mark scheme?
I didn't write enough about oppositional reading i could of written Women would not be able to relate to the muscular physique of the
woman in the image and this would put them off taking a job.
Also The target audience might find the image intimidating.

5) Now look at question 4. Write a definition of vertical integration to revise this key industry terminology.
Vertical integration is when one conglomerate owns different companies in the same chain of production.
6) Finally, look at your 20-mark essay - question 6. Write a four-paragraph essay plan for this question, using the suggested answers in the mark scheme to help you. Use this format:

Paragraph 1:
for introduction i will introduce my argument and present the point i am making 
Paragraph 2:
in paragraph 2 i would talk about the directors, budget and profit of doctor strange
Paragraph 3:
i would talk about i, daniel blake and the production behind it and the money made and gained
Paragraph 4:
a conclusion with analysis 


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